I wandered all over the world (jag ghoomeya)

English translations

There is nowhere those spiritual eyes

There is nowhere that bright face

There is also nowhere talks of love

There is nowhere that pretty youth

link.jpegbut I have not met like you yet

There is nowhere romance

There is nowhere that beautiful fragrance

I have neither seen that colorful gestures

There is nor that affectionate simplicity

You stay as you are

I wandered all the world but no one is like you

You are wet greenery of rainy seasons

You are that blushing which appears on the cheeks in winters

You are rest of nights

You are prayer of morning too

In the sheets of affections

I hold you

Like fire lights somewhere

You make water of rain

Sometimes you yield

Stay as you are

I wandered all the world but no one is like you

In the luck of mine

In the talks of motivation

In all the occasion

Of happiness and sorrow

I want to keep you with me

I want to keep you with me

You will live with me

In my world too

In my emotions

Your similar souvenir somewhere

Which has to be shown everyone somewhere

You know, even after dying

I know how to continue

I want to do what I want to say

I wandered all the world but no one is like you

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